Cautionary Tales
Writing on Beautiful Things: A Cautionary Tale
I once wrote a river, a torrent, and song.
I wrote it in leather, red bound.
In it was a story, a hope, a fear,
and joys never so truly found.
And tossed in the basket, and put on the shelf,
and carried about to and fro,
the leaves were so battered, and tattered, and frayed,
and once washed, proceeded to go.
So when putting into things
things you hope to keep,
keep the place of their keeping with care.
If you don't, you will find, after some careless times
that precious things written
can soon disappear.
A Knife and a Wooden Spoon
When considering holding a wooden spoon and a knife in one hand,
and scrubbing them with a brush under running water with the other--don't.
You are liable to stab yourself in the finger.