Like You're Running Out of Time

 I'm reminded of the line from Hamilton, "How do you write like you're running out of time?" I think about that often when I have a torrent of words pouring out to put somewhere, but I am aware that I am no Alexander Hamilton. 

The words that I have to pour out are not policy proposals for a new nation. They are not informed by an elite education. The torrential storms need not be unleashed without purpose, or they are merely "sound and fury" signifying nothing. 

I made this space a long time ago on the hunch that at some point I would want somewhere to put those thoughts. And it seemed ideal to do so with some degree of anonymity. 

I wrote you a river, a torrent, a stream. 

Hopefully the storms brewing will have something worthy of consumption at some point. 

But for now, here is a space carved out, and that can be enough. 

Things top of mind at the moment:

- politics

- social contracts and what we owe each other

- legal implications of "work place raids" on immigrant families. 

- what the American Education system looks like without a federal Department of Education

- women's rights

- trans/gay/LGBTQ+ community rights

- how many national norms formerly established and agreed to by all parties in the past can be uprooted and changed in 4 years by the incoming administration

- Ukraine

Each of these could be a rabbit hole. A novel. A crusade. 

If we ever wondered, how would we respond in the cultural moment to historical inflection points, we no longer need to wonder. 

It is here. Welcome to resistance, day 7.